Committee Structure

Two Committee Structure of Warsaw First UMC

Approved at February 20, 2018 ~ Warsaw Charge Conference

Servant Council

The Servant Council is an administrative governing body for the Warsaw First UMC.  All previous administrative committees are represented by this structure. This structure places more responsibility and authority with staff and servant-leaders for day to day operations and ministry. The WFUMC Servant Council primarily would be an oversight and direction giving body. The team would be the body that sets the mission, vision, and direction as well as oversees the administrative responsibilities of WFUMC.

This structure's aim is primarily two-fold:

1. Make quicker, ministry-oriented decisions that align with our mission and vision.

2. Reduce the number of meetings our laity attend so that they are free to participate in small groups and direct ministry.

The constituency of the governing body is as follows:

These persons would be nominated by a standing ad hoc committee that serves as the Lay Leadership Team. These nominations would then be voted on by the yearly Administrative Council (Servant Council plus any other mandatory positions defined by the Book of Discipline) meeting and approved by Charge Conference as per Book of Discipline. The Lay Leadership Team is an ad hoc team of and selected by the Servant Council.  The seats of Business Manager and Lead Pastor are by virtue of position.  Lay Leadership is to ensure the Lay Delegate(s) to Annual Conference are included in the committee membership.

Confidentiality, integrity, organizational abilities, leadership, and a love of God and WFUMC are primary qualities of these Servant Council positions.

The Ministry Team representative will be selected yearly by the Ministry Team.

Terms for the Servant Council will be for three years.  After a three-year term, individuals must take at least one year of sabbatical from administrative leadership.

All constituents of the church are welcome to attend Servant Council meetings, but the SPRC (Staff Parish Relations Committee) section of the meeting would be a “closed meeting” unless otherwise agreed toby the Servant Council.

Ministry Team

The ministry team is a less formal ministry structure intended to bring different direct-ministry leaders together to discuss, strategize, and plan church ministries in a unified way. The chair persons of the various ministry teams are selected by the ad hoc Lay Leadership Team of Servant Council, and the chairpersons are given permission to select team members as needed for their tasks and teams. Where staff are designated, they would chair the respective ministry. The Ministry Team would select a non-staff chairperson who would also serve as the Servant Council Representative. Confidentiality, organizational abilities, integrity, and a love of God and WFUMC are primary qualities of this position.


Finance is responsible for raising the funds necessary to do the work of this Christian fellowship, seeing that funds are properly deposited and used, and establishing a system whereby donors are thanked for their generosity.  An annual audit is to be conducted to see that an appropriate bookkeeping system is in place.  This group compiles annually a complete budget for the local church and submits it to the church council for review and adoption. (Core team meets monthly.)

Board of Trustees      

Subject to the direction of the charge conference, this group is responsible for the maintenance and improvement of the church property (including grounds, the church structure and furnishings, equipment, and parsonage), and the signing of contracts.  Works with the Church Administrator to see that needed maintenance work is done at the appropriate time and at a reasonable cost. (Core team meets monthly.)

(2/3 must be professing members of the church)

Administrative/Church Council       

The Council has general oversight of the administration and programs of the local church in pursuing its mission.  More specifically, it recommends major congregational priorities, votes on the congregational vision or mission statement, establishes the annual operating budget (including the compensation levels of non- appointed staff), considers the creation of additional staff positions as recommended by Staff Parish Relations, receives reports -when appropriate- from the program committees of the church. (All must be professing members of the church.)

Staff Parish Relations Committee

The SPRC is responsible for working with the pastor and staff to see that effective, faithful, and appropriate ministry is being carried out by the paid staff of the fellowship.  The SPRC discusses such things as ministry goals, priorities/needs of the parish, effectiveness of staff members, continuing education needs of staff, personnel policies/ guidelines, the compensation level of church staff, etc.  The SPRC also has the responsibility for recruiting, counseling with, and recommending (when appropriate) candidates for ordained ministry.   The SPRC works closely with the Senior Pastor to whom, on a day-to-day basis, all paid staff are accountable(Core team meets as needed.) (All must be professing members of the church.)

Charge Conference

Scheduled with the approval of the District Superintendent.  Considers major priorities recommended by the Administrative Board Servant Council, may limit consecutive terms of office for officers, recommends candidates for ordained ministry or renews those candidates for ministry who have been previously approved, affirms the standing of lay speakers related to the local congregation.  The local Charge Conference sets the compensation level for the pastor, elects officers who have been nominated by the Nominations & Personnel Committee, acts on the annual membership report (removing inactive members), and votes on building projects or property acquisitions that are valued at more than 10% of the value of the church- owned property.  (Meets once a year or when called by the District Superintendent. Or as needed to approve major church-related decisions.)

Operational Team

This team is appointed by Servant Council to keep the church on mission and to assist in strategic planning. The purpose of this team centers on the overall mission and ministry of the church. The Operational Team reports to Servant Council. (Team meets monthly.)  (Need not be a professing member of the church.)