Membership Care

“The Membership Care Team does three major things all year.  Visiting Communion is done every Communion Sunday during the year.  Wonderful, loyal teams deliver communion to nursing homes, homebound, and members that have a medical problem.  Before Sunday each member on the list is called to be sure that they want Communion that Sunday. They may remain on the list as long as they need us.  We are also in the process of revamping our visitation program. This ministry forms teams that visit members as they see fit. We will be looking for volunteers to join this ministry in the near future.  Stephen Ministry is also under Membership Care. I keep the Ministry Team aware of the things Stephen Ministers are doing.”

-Jackie Bergen, Membership Care representative of the Ministry Team

How can we pray for you? Praise or Request

Thank you for allowing us to serve you in this capacity. You have the option to have your request kept private and only shared internally for uplifting in prayer, otherwise we would like to share your request with prayer warriors within our membership. Be sure to mark your request or praise private at the top of the form. If you have need to talk to someone on a one on one basis we would love to speak to you. Simply indicate below that you would like a pastor to reach out and contact you.