Mission Focus

First Quarter Mission Focus: Camp Lakewood (IMPACT 2818:  Outdoor Ministries of the UMC of Indiana

Located on the shores of the Lake of the Woods, near Wolcottville, Indiana, Camp Lakewood summer camp programs are intentionally designed for children entering K-6 grade and for family camps. The camp has a “wish" list” that includes general maintenance of the camp, adding picnic tables, upgrading current cabins, a recreational low ropes course, mini playground and a new floor for the rec room to provide pickle ball courts and indoor recreational space for rainy days. Supporting Camp Lakewood is investing in the Christian development of our kids and the future of the church. Camp is a great opportunity for growth and development for these kids and their faith journey. Make checks payable to Warsaw First UMC. Please write “Camp Lakewood” on the memo line of your check. You may also donate online at the church website. Your generous support is greatly appreciated!

Community Kitchen & Closet

Community Kitchen Every Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Community Closet Every Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (closed 1st Wednesday)

The Community Kitchen and Closet has been relocated to hosting lunch inside!  Come join us at 179 S. Indiana Street.

First United Methodist Church has a long history of serving a soup kitchen out of the Fellowship Hall at our downtown campus.  For many years, that meal was served on the last two business days of each month.  In early 2009, we discerned a change in the needs of the community and began serving every Wednesday.  We have a number of other churches and community groups who partner with us to make these meals possible.

We are always looking for groups or individuals to partner with to help provide Wednesday lunches to those in the community who need them.  If you would like to participate, please contact the church office at office@warsawfumc.org.


The Community Closet was opened in the fall of 2009.  Items that are not covered by food stamps (toiletries and cleaning products) are offered as they are available. Contact the Church Office if you are interested in supporting this ministry with your time or donations. Cash donations may be made at the Church office.