Cub Pack 3731

First United Methodist Church 179 S Indiana St, Warsaw, IN, United States

Lenten Study Group-Watching the Disciples

179 S Indiana St Warsaw, IN, United States

Look at the disciples as the attempt to follow Jesus. Assess your own discipleship and how you can grow. Six Monday nights in the Parlor, Downtown. Led by Pastor Bill

Cub Pack 3731

First United Methodist Church 179 S Indiana St, Warsaw, IN, United States

Boy Scouts Troop 0730

First United Methodist Church 179 S Indiana St, Warsaw, IN, United States

Meets in 3rd floor room 303

Boy Scouts Troop 0730

First United Methodist Church 179 S Indiana St, Warsaw, IN, United States

Meets in 3rd floor room 303

Together Tuesdays-Fun, Fellowship and Food

179 S Indiana St Warsaw, IN, United States

Bring a friend and share the fellowship of FUMC! Today's event is Goodies and Games. Bring your favorite games or decks of cards and a goodie to share. Sorry, no